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 Internet Marketing

Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025.

What is Internet Marketing and who needs it?

Online business sites constitute a major portion of the Web. People now use the Internet to a great extent to buy or sell goods and services. Online businesses not only need to own and run a site, they also need to market it to convert visitors into buyers. At such a time online marketing comes to your aid

How do people find you on the Web? Why it isn’t easy to draw visitors to your site? Does your site lag behind the competitors? For answers, you need to know how users locate sites. One method is via browsers, which works only if the company or brand is famous or users know the exact URL. But majority of users simply take aid of search engines (Google, Yahoo! and MSN etc), not browsers.

Amid millions of sites, your web identity depends on the rank or position of your site returned by the search engine in reply to a query. User studies hint that people rarely read later pages, if they are able to find required information on the first page. So online marketing is all about gaining a privileged position via search engines, ideally on the first page or within first ten.

How does ACEXLOGICS help?

The Web is used as the platform to buy, sell, advertise and promote products or services. And here where AXL’s Internet Marketing Division helps you. We help you to bring your web page rank at the top on search engines. The best way to attain top rank is to plan a strong Internet marketing strategy with our help, by availing any or all of these services:

  • Organic Search Engine Optimization
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • PPC management/Paid Search
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Link Baiting

What are the benefits?

The benefits of online marketing are many. It gives immediate results. Higher page rank means greater site visibility, which means more viewers, which leads to more sales and more profits. Moreover, it is the cheapest method to reach a wide market compared to traditional advertising.

AXL can help you create a robust Internet marketing strategy. For more details, please visit next sections. And why not request a consultation? It’s free!

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